Conference Program
Conference program timetable

Gender Studies Conference 30.11–2.12.2022: Feminist matterings: Indigenous and Arctic engagements
The conference is located at the Linnanmaa Campus of the University of Oulu.
WEDNESDAY 30.11.2022
Pre-conference program
14:30–18:00 Registration opens (Lobby, Saalastinsali)
15:00-17:00 PhD Panel discussion: PhD Wonderings (Tellus: Stage)
15:00–18:00 Book launch (in Finnish): Intersektionaalista feminististä pedagogiikkaa (Tellus: Aspire Frost Club)
16:00–18:00 The Finnish Trans Studies Network meeting (Tellus: Galaxy)
THURSDAY 1.12.2022
08:30– Registration opens (Lobby, Saalastinsali)
10:00–10:15 Conference opening (Hybrid event in Saalastinsali)
Opening words by: Organising committee Chairs Johanna Hiitola & Helena Louhela
Greetings from SUNS, the Association of Gender Studies in Finland
10:15–11:45 Keynote I and discussion (Hybrid event in Saalastinsali)
Professor Suvi Keskinen, University of Helsinki: Feminist futures, racial capitalism and disobedient knowledge
Commentator: Researcher and activist Boby Mafi, University of Oulu
11:45–12:45 Lunch
12:45–14:15 Parallel sessions 1
14:15–14:45 Coffee break (Lobby, Saalastinsali)
14:45–16:15 Keynote II and discussion (Hybrid event in Saalastinsali)
Professor Kim TallBear, University of Alberta: Indigenous Genocide, Settler Apocalypse, and Relational Hope
Commentator: Professor Laura Junka-Aikio, University of Lapland
16:15 - 16:30 Break
16:30–18:00 Parallel sessions 2
18:15–19:00 Book Launch: Affective intimacies (Manchester University Press 2022 (Tellus: Stage) (Live only)
19:00–24:00 Conference Evening Party at Tuba and Voimala 1889. Please arrive between 19-20. 19-20:30 Dinner at Tuba and Voimala (we kindly ask the first ones arriving to dine at Tuba, the restaurants are 50 meters apart); 20:30 Ulla Pirttijärvi's interview at Voimala; 21:30 Ulla Pirttijärvi and Ulda at Voimala
FRIDAY 2.12.2022
10:00–11:30 Keynote III and discussion (Hybrid event in Saalastinsali)
Professor Dorte Marie Søndergaard, University of Aarhus: Drifting Boundaries
and Gendered Negotiations – Young People Navigating Analogue-Digital
Commentator: Academy Research Fellow Tuija Huuki, University of Oulu
11:30–12:30 Lunch
12.30-14.00 Parallel sessions 3
14.00-14.30 Coffee break (Lobby, Saalastinsali)
14:30-16:00 Parallel sessions 4
16:15-16:45 Closing the conference and the SUNS thesis award (Hybrid event in Saalastinsali)
FIRE collective’s travelling art exhibition created together with school children aged 11–13
Friendship Dreamland and Statements on Wood – about friendships, gender and power and children's hopes and dreams related to their peer cultures.
Location: Technology lobby/Tekniikan aula
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