Pre-conference program

Kirjan julkistamistilaisuus: Intersektionaalista feminististä pedagogiikkaa

Organiniser: HILMA teaching network

Time: Wednesday 30.11. klo. 15.00 - 18.00

Place: Tellus: Aspire Frost Club


Hilma-verkoston pedaseminaari ja uuden kirjan julkistajaiset.

Intersektionaalinen feministinen pedagogiikka pitää opetukseen osallistuvien – sekä opettajien että opiskelijoiden – erilaisuutta lähtökohtana ja analysoi tietoisesti opetustilanteiden valtasuhteita tutkimukseen pohjaten. Intersektionaalisessa lähestymistavassa on kyse erilaisten ihmisten eletyn todellisuuden ja kokemusten huomioimisesta ja tämän huomioimisen muuttamisesta sekä hyviksi opetuksellisiksi käytännöiksi että koulutuksen rakenteiden kehittämiseksi.

Seminaarissa keskustellaan intersektionaalisesta feministisestä pedagogiikasta kolmen esityksen voimin. Puheenvuorot pohjaavat marraskuussa ilmestyvään Vastapainon kustantamaan Intersektionaalinen feministinen pedagogiikka -kirjaan! Lisäksi seminaarissa on mahdollisuus tavata kirjan kirjoittajia.


Avaus ja taustoitus; mikä ihmeen intersektionaalinen feministinen pedagogiikka? Hanna Ojala

Feminististä pedagogiikkaa ympäristökriisien aikakaudella, Pieta Savinotko 

Tasa-arvo- ja yhdenvertaisuussuunnitelma kouluissa ja oppilaitoksissa: Mystinen asiakirja vai yhdessä hiottu toimintatapa? Sari Miettinen

Yhteistä keskustelua

Maljojen kohottaminen Intersektionaalinen feministinen pedagogiikka -kirjalle

Lämpimästi tervetuloa!

The Finnish trans Studies Network meeting

Time: Wednesday 30.11 klo. 16.00 - 18.00

Place: Tellus: Galaxy

The Finnish Trans Studies Network was established in February 2022, and its main purpose is to connect trans scholars and activists working in, or in some way connected to, Finland. The meeting is open for those who are already members as well as anyone interested in the network – or just wishing to meet other trans scholars during the conference. For more information, or instructions on how to join our email list, you can contact Luca (

PhD Panel discussion: PhD Wonderings

Time: Wednesday 30.11. klo. 15.00 - 17.00

Place: Tellus: Stage

This panel discussion is a pre-conference event arranged on 30th November at 15–17 as a part of the annual international Gender Studies conference. The participants may choose to attend the panel discussion virtually or face-to-face at the University of Oulu. An unofficial get-together will be arranged with all the face-to-face participants after this event. The PhD process is a wondering: thinking of where to go, what choices to make and when. Therefore, it can evoke complex relationship between knowledge and power, sometimes be lonely, confusing and create stress and anxiety. At the same time making research is inspiring and full of passion. This panel is inspired by the principles of feminist knowledge production. The purpose is to create a safer space to discuss different kinds of emotions and experiences that evolve throughout the PhD process. We invite you to share your thoughts and wonderings with other participants and scholars from different fields and career stages.


  • Johanna Hiitola, PhD, Associate Professor (Docent), University Lecturer

  • Anna Rönkä, PhD, Postdoctoral researcher

  • Ilmari Leppihalme, PhD, Postdoctoral researcher

Organisers: Iida Kauhanen, Eveliina Puutio & Helena Ristaniemi, Doctoral researchers at the University of Oulu.

Second NOS-HS Exploratory workshop, 30.11.-2.12.2022, “Gender regimes”, Lapland hotel, Oulu Finland

This hybrid workshop is part of NOS-HS funded project, and it´s explorative workshop series focusing on Intersectional Gender Equality in Academia in the Arctic North. During the first day, project partners and invited quests present and discuss on current issues related with gender equality in wide range of topics relevant to Arctic, including indigenous and Sámi knowledge production, gendered care in academia, politics, and research and innovations. Gender equality issues are approached from power perspective.

The workshop is attached with the 2022 Gender studies conference “Feminist matterings in the Arctic”, held following two days, 1-2.2022 at the University of Oulu, Linnanmaa campus.

Anyone interested are welcome to participate to the event online.



9.00-9.45 Coffee and welcome

University lecturer Mervi Heikkinen – Welcome words & Introduction to NOS-HS project

Dr. Anna Rönkä – “Gender equality work in the northernmost parts

of Nordic countries”

9.45-11.00 Discussion 1: Gender equality, Indigenous and Sami knowledge production.

Professor Rauna Kuokkanen – “Intersectional Gender Regimes”

University lecturer Kristina Rolin – “Resisting Epistemic Exploitation”

11.00-12.00 Lunch, Lapland hotel

12.00-13.15 Discussion 2: Gender equality in Arctic politics and borderlands

Assistant professor Melina Duarte – New Book: GEDEIA

Professor Lena Abrahamsson – What’s going on in LTU?

13.15-13.30 Coffee / break

13.30-14.45 Discussion 3: Gendered career and care in academia

Professor emeritus Jeff Hearn – “Men and Masculinities in Academia, University and Science” (online)

Professor Firouz Gaini – “Faroese fatherhood and the question of higher education” (online)

14.45-15.00 Coffee

15.00-16.15 Discussion 4: Gender equality in research and innovation.

Professor emerita Liisa Husu – Granted project

Professor Kirsti Lempiäinen – UniSAFE survey on gender-based violence

16.15-16.30 Introduction to the edited book proposal

Closing the meeting

18.30 --> Dinner for invited guests, Restaurant Rauhala, Mannenkatu 4, 90130 Oulu

More information:

Project leader Dr. Mervi Heikkinen

Tel: +358 294 48 3817


If you wish to participate, please register via e-mail to Anna Rönkä by Monday 28th 2022, and we will send you the zoom-link:

Postdoctoral researcher Anna Rönkä

Tel: +358 294 483813